Hunt offered to take them on a new southern route in 1849 to Los Angeles, from where they could travel north to the gold fields.
Their driver took them on a route that skirted the city- within minutes, they left the crowding traffic behind.
The march, in opposition to the war in Iraq, was allowed to take place on a different route.
Though still important in the upstate, it now takes a traveler on a more indirect route compared to Interstate 85.
He would take them on a different route each game.
Rather, the solid ground took them on a circuitous route that often seemed to backtrack on itself.
The bell was taken on a different route on its way home; again, five million saw it on the return journey.
Alexander Brady recalled the bus ride he took to ballet class as a child, on a route past a veterans' hospital.
That'll take us on a more direct route to Aberdeen.
The hostages were taken on a route with several castles far away from the point they were kidnapped.