The game takes place on the fictional continent of Lostralia.
The story takes place on the continent of Arcanum, which despite its initial fantasy setting, has just started going through an industrial revolution.
Napoleon I foresaw the changes which are now taking place on the continent of Europe.
The game takes place on the continent of Vainqueur, a land which had in the past been the seat of a great old empire.
Balances beautifully, and can take any kind of game on the continent.
The 9.3x62mm has taken cleanly every dangerous species on the continent.
In 1821 he left Houldsworth to take a situation on the continent.
There are countries that are accomodative, and have taken significant steps towards democracy on the continent.
The toughest measures must be taken on the continent, as they have been in the UK.
This could have effectively been true since Japan was eager, for social and economic reasons, to take land on the continent and expand.