He had taken his discharge in New Orleans and had not been heard from since.
He took his discharge in London and spent two years at Cambridge, though the university had no discernible effect on him.
He later obtained the rank of corporal, before taking his discharge in 1939.
He did his job, rotated out and took his discharge after six years in the uniform.
Taking his discharge in 1944, Murray returned to his farm and died in 1966 at the age of 85.
About two years after the events narrated, Whitson took his discharge and returned to America.
I know that a soldier can take his discharge almost anywhere there is an American military installation.
Cliff completed his tour in the Army and happily took his discharge.
Simpson took his final discharge from the army in May 1970.
On his return journey, he took his discharge in Sydney, as this was the end of his term.