The Tories may take the banks' shilling, but they'll never suck up to them the way Brown did.
Who takes the king's shilling becomes the king's man.
He likes to have white men in his ranks, so you won't have any trouble taking his shilling.
I take your shilling, sir, and perhaps should let it go at that.
"Yes, they didn't bargain for sea passages when they took the King's shilling."
To "take the King's shilling" was to enlist in the army or navy, a phrase dating back to the early 19th century.
The thing is, there's an old saying: You take the king's shilling, you become the king's man.
I have taken the King's shilling, but perhaps if you came for me they would let me go back with you.
Presented with a choice of transportation or joining the army, he had taken the King's shilling and made the best of it.
He was an Irish soldier who took the king's shilling.