Go and find a mate of your own kind, and take my best wishes with you.
If they're not, but are supposed to be taking children's wishes about their placements and future very seriously, this can create confusion.
Because of the very special relationship with Joe, we will continue to attempt to take his wishes into consideration.
"We must take her wishes as our command and act accordingly," Russell said with the utmost diplomacy.
I'm sure the county will take your wishes into consideration.
Taking the sponsors' wishes into account, he said, "is a different thing from being driven by the sponsors."
"Then please take our good wishes with you, and do return at your earliest conve- nience."
The report is therefore a step along the road towards an EU which takes its people's wishes seriously.
However, in an effort to take Parliament's wishes into account, the Commission proposed a campaign on the subject of violence against women.
Can 1 help it if she didn't take her wishes?