In November 1739, the combined forces took over a number of important cities including the trade post of Sofara.
The company at the site that was trashed took over 40 percent casualties, including all but one officer.
After the death of his father in 1911, he took over as manager for the family company, including the factories Høyenhall Fabrikker.
He has various projects which threaten to take over his room including: ants, plants.
The people took over the artillery barracks of Guayaquil along with other military and civilian supporters, including the guard on duty.
Casey's father died in 1919 and he returned after the war to Melbourne to take over his father's business interests including engineering and mining firms.
There are four towns to take over, including a small village that you can impress from doing a silver scroll.
A coalition government took over, including even the Maoists, who traded their fatigues for safari suits.
However, the workers and federal authorities worked out an arrangement that the workers would take over the company entirely, including facilities and brand.
The hijackers took over the bus with 11 passengers still on board, including ten women and a man who had been unable to escape.