His wife was not happy about the seed-moth infestation that took over their first apartment, in Forest Hills.
A friend of mine hired thugs, for example, when her aunts broke in and took over her apartment while she was evacuated during the revolution.
Over the last few weeks, the smell of cooking fats - from peanut oil to beef fat - has taken over my apartment.
Gretchen McGowan took over a friend's apartment two years ago.
They were taking over our apartment, bouncing off the walls and seeping into the nooks and crannies of our romantic life.
Among other things, he said, he once took over an older friend's apartment in Spain and sold it for tens of thousands of dollars.
She eventually takes over his entire apartment, which he pronounces "Judit's empire."
An acquaintance arranged with his landlord to have Mihdhar take over his apartment.
He admitted helping Hazmi to learn English and taking over the operatives' first apartment in San Diego after they moved out.
A thick cloud took over their apartment, she said, and "we just thought we were going to die."