The inaugural 2010 challenge took participants along a mandatory route on back roads across the United States and Canada.
They primarily charter to private expeditions and commercial groups such as film crews but most also take fare-paying participants who help with sailing.
The three-hour climb, which takes participants 440 feet above the harbor, is led by guides, and climbers are tethered to the bridge at all times.
For walking speed, the investigators timed how long it took participants to walk 15 feet at their usual pace.
The current route takes participants through the Pacific Spirit Park.
Special wildlife viewing tours are offered by the Refuge which take participants very near the base of the mountain.
Authentically costumed "soldiers" will help take participants to a time when Brooklyn was densely packed with forests instead of apartment buildings.
Bus tours of the missions, with a guide who takes participants through the buildings, can also be arranged.
The programs incorporate various intellectual and physical challenges that take participants beyond their comfort zones in order to develop both greater confidence and competence.
The week long program, led by Colin Salisbury, takes participants through a series of workshops that focus on identifying and developing skills.