The first loss of radio contact, lasting 14 hours, happened last week when the spacecraft was turning to take sightings of stars used for navigation.
Joanna watched him without much curiosity, having seen him take sightings before in the uncertain glimmer of starlight.
As soon as he could Geordie had taken careful sightings of the reef.
Before yesterday, however, she had taken several good sightings from their prison pinnacle.
He'd take sightings with compass, goniometer, and plumb bob.
Scanner took sightings with the laser-compass every few minutes, because they were walking around the tallest dunes and getting off their course.
It had been his responsibility to take all the different times and sightings of Drew, and rationalise them.
He took approximate sightings among the rock formations and felt like an old hand because of it.
One should be able to take sightings on several things and locate the spot.
I used the flippers to drive me below again so that I could take sightings.