And just 0.7 per cent of planning applications take more than a year to decide.
In the series, the timeline from introduction to marriage seems to take little more than a year.
Even if we hand back control this instant, it would take them more than a year to get their affairs in order.
One in six couples, or 5.3 million people, take longer than a year to conceive.
It will take more than a single year or even two, but I will be back.
But it takes a lot longer than a year to get rid of a bad reputation.
If a person stayed for one night in each room, it would take him more than a year to go through all the rooms.
IT took more than a year and a move to Detroit.
When the new rules take effect a little more than a year from now, roughly 7,000 publicly listed companies will be subject to them.
They took bankruptcy a little more than a year before we did.