Alternatively, if an attorney other than a CLO reports the evidence to a QLCC, he or she need take no further action under the rule.
The Oxfordshire Rising took place in November 1596 under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I of England during times of bad harvest and unprecedented poverty.
It takes place in the city of Rome under the rule of emperor Nero around AD 64.
Khudat's time of historical significance took place in the 18th century, as the provincial capital of the Quba khanate under the rule of the Qajars.
A more positive step can be taken under the safe rule that it is very hard to dislike any man you know well, unless he is that rare thing, an unmitigated scoundrel.
Juan Manuel Gliffard, who was from Cuautitlán, took part in the discussions leading to the Constitution of 1917, under the rule of Venustiano Carranza.
Performed in French with English surtitles, Mr. Donnellan's production takes place at an Andalucian court in 20th-century Spain under the military rule of Franco.
They took an active part in the development of the new cities under the tolerant rule of Gediminas.
He was forced to flee the Papal States and took refuge in Florence, under the tolerant rule of Grand Duke Gian Gastone de' Medici.
Mallon signed her scorecard as having taken a birdie 4 instead of a par 5, the correct score under the 10-second rule, Trammell said.