Afterwards, of course, they would take up the business of living again, because they were durable, and in any case had not much choice.
They had no faith in electric lighting, and rejected all our overtures to induce them to take up the new business of making electric- light fixtures.
His son, Ellis E. Duncan, would take up the business of farming as his father eventually retired.
At last they dragged him back into the hall, and took up anew the business of ale-guzzling.
After his father's death in 1768, Louis took up the business of government in Nassau-Saarbrücken.
On the point of taking up the business of the letter V including its preliminary initials W and Z, Larry suddenly decided to wait.
They are either disinclined to take up the business or more interested in the Australian gold-fields.
Though the back of her neck prickled, Beth forced herself to take up the business of helping the secretary.
We need a state bank to keep these conniving spivs in line and to take up the business of any rats leaving the sinking ship .
After his death in 1925, his daughter, Simone, took up the business and opened a third restaurant in London.