I read a lot, and took to playing cards in the Captain's Lounge with a group of regulars.
Eventually I took shelter from the sun with a group of other reporters.
The news took Dragut ashore in a hurry with a group of officers.
Residents share classes and take advantage of yearlong service opportunities with a close knit group of 19 other students.
Looking back on a busy and occasionally stressful 17 days, we would be game to take another tour with a group of mixed ages.
On Tuesday she takes her customary stand in Park Slope, with a smaller group.
But he declined to have his picture taken with a group of the players.
An exciting battle took place between three different teams with a diverse group of drivers.
This issue would take place thirty years after the first film, with a group of film-students seeking to document the Hewitts.
The other day he had come across a photograph of himself taken in 1937, with a group of students at a seminar in Oxford.