Georgi's sister, Yepraksi, took shelter here with her husband and his parents.
Because I have such a long drive, I like to go home and take a bath with my husband.
She took advantage of the prize with her husband, which was a $4,000, three-week tour of Paris.
She told of the precautions that she takes with her husband, a truck driver who is not infected.
A wife always took precedence with her husband over his mother.
Yet I had never taken in this view on any of my trips to Florence with my husband.
Carolyn Weinstein, his wife at the time, was a nurse who worked days and took turns with her husband in answering the calls at night.
"The starmaster intends to take this starship into space on the day the launch returns with my husband inside it."
It took several seasons with my green-thumbed husband to stockpile this fashion statement.
She took refuge in a public housing unit in Tokyo with her two children and her husband.