Following the consultation the government intends to take forward all of the proposals, with the exception of Proposal 2.
The competition was first held in 1954 and has taken place every year since, with the sole exception of 1961.
But normal safety precautions were taken, with the exception of radio links, and proximity.
All the video clips and pictures were taken by me with the exception of...
These events take the place of evening activities that day, with the exception of Assassins which usually spans 3 to 5 days.
It has taken place every year, with the exception of a period in the 1870s and a 30 year interruption in the 20th century.
The doubling took place in 1862, with the exception of Dinmore tunnel, which had its second line added 1891-3.
Initially, the fair was annual, and took place every year with the exception of 1901, 1903, 1906 and 1907.
The entire community was taken into custody, with the exception of six individuals who were found not to be fundamentalist Mormons.
Gal Costa doesn't appear to take anything all that seriously - with the possible exception of a good time.