The teams took turns, with the goal to get to a marked line on the large container without going over (unlike Double Dare).
The first flight test took place on November 13, 2006 with the goal of providing commercial tourist flights.
Students are required to take classes in either Spanish or French with the goal of becoming proficient in that language.
The actions were taken with the obvious goal of humiliating the Vice President.
Furthermore, the task of documentation is often taken on with the goal of revitalization in mind.
Further renovation work took place from 2009 through 2010, with the primary goal of increasing security.
Angioy fled Sardinia and took a boat with the goal of going to Genoa.
I got involved because I'm one of the local people who take care of injured wildlife with the goal of returning it to the wild.
The game takes place over six stages, with the ultimate goal to protect the Anzali Port.
Varying approaches can be taken with the main goal to separate the needle from the syringe.