He is Gotham's action hero, self-cast as the take-charge guy who is reliably among the first at every scene.
The take-charge guy is a born leader.
Yet Mr. Reagan is not now and never has been a "take-charge" guy.
How can a wallflower be the take-charge guy in a huddle of extroverts?
He was advance man, fund-raiser, instigator, advocate, executive officer and take-charge guy on the staff of the National Security Council.
We don't have a take-charge guy, and Willis is going to be it.
Because he's a take-charge guy, not a wimp.
Where was Rayford the Leader, their take-charge guy?
In his campaign commercials, Mr. Giuliani paints himself as a take-charge guy.
She was used to take-charge guys; it didn't usually bother her.