Now, their former neighbors have taken up their battle, including the mayor of Derby, who met the family in church.
Such subjects were taken up by his successors, including his sons.
It is expected that about half the places will be taken up by non-local pupils, including those children of overseas workers.
Their early married life was taken up with a series of reformist issues, including Chinese labour and working-class representation in Parliament.
One entire wall was taken up with an elaborate entertainment center, including a big-screen television that was playing soundlessly.
More recently farmers have taken up other crops, including ornamental floral products such as lavender.
During the summer, the composer's time was taken up with various major works, including the Hamlet overture-fantasia, which was completed on 19 October.
Granik said Stern's time was taken up by a great deal of ceremonial and public appearances, including meetings with corporate sponors.
Some have taken up arms against the government, joining small rebel groups, including the Popular Revolutionary Army.