In November 2012 Forbes Ukraine reported that companies linked to (Oleksandr) Yanukovych in 2012 at no cost had taken over majority stakes worth an estimated $10 million in five coal enrichment plants from the state.
She frowned; Mrs. Cowdrie had taken his sudden illness very coolly-what wife worth her salt would worry about her lack of sleep at such a time, let alone go back home until her husband had been declared safely out of danger?
The title is taken from an opening question to a round on the quiz show worth ten points, known as the teams' 'starter for ten.'
Have you taken a photograph of books worth a thousand words?
In June, 1646 Mr Gearey from Barwell claimed that Captain Ottaway from hellothe Coventry garrison took a gelding worth five founds and that William Capenkwist and Thomas Bacon, his servants, had taken a mare worth one pound (Exchequer SP 28/161).
This became especially important when in the same month that mountains that Lytton was taken on her first voyage, the fabulous Le Roi mining claim was staked at Red Mountain near Trail, B.C. Over 6 million tons of lead/zinc/tin and gold ore were taken out of the claim, worth more than $125 million.
Its representatives were turned away from a meeting of shareholders in the Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Smelter, in which it had taken a 20 percent stake worth some $300 million, after being told that their names had been removed from the register because of "irregularities."
Augustus Hervey, having taken a little tartan in the Mediterranean not worth the trouble of keeping, sold her back to her master 'with the consent of my officers and people'.