This rendered the flaps immoveable in the takeoff position.
Normal takeoff position is 4 nose up.
This time, however, Festina escorted me to the shuttle bay, where Li's shuttlecraft had been rolled into takeoff position.
The whir of wing flaps settling into the down takeoff position seemed to calm the old man.
Normally, the setting of the flaps are confirmed during the checklist performed as an airplane taxis to its takeoff position.
Plastic deformation of the asphalt wearing course was observed near the takeoff position of the runway.
He took the tablet and washed it down and then put everything away as the plane moved into takeoff position.
No groundstation nor laptop is required as missions are defined relative to takeoff position.
With a breathtaking U-turn to the right he reached takeoff position, poured on the gas, and roared down the runway.
While we're gone you might clear with the control tower and take us up into takeoff position.