The lyrics are abstract obsessional tales inspired by films, Goldfrapp's childhood, and the loneliness she felt while recording the album.
The secord Theodore story, "Everybody Moos at Cows," is a tale inspired by New Jersey.
It is claimed that Rudyard Kipling frequented the house where he wrote his novels, including "Plain tales from the Hills", inspired by Shimla.
The tales, inspired by oral storytelling, include strong mythical characters like ghosts, immortals, beasts and foxes.
Yet others were completely new tales inspired by Frankenstein.
It is a tale inspired by the style of Lewis Carroll's book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Most scholars today regard this story as a literary tale inspired by the Romance stories that were popular at the courts by the time Heimskringla was written.
The second part consists of fictionalized tales inspired by events in her own life.
Weddad, a romantic tale inspired by One Thousand and One Nights, was the biggest production of its time.
In the years immediately following its purchase, she produced tales and illustrations inspired by the farm, its woodland surroundings, and nearby villages.