The tale originates in the Rohru region located to the north of Shimla, the state capital.
Spotted hyenas vary in their folkloric and mythological depictions, depending on the ethnic group from which the tales originate.
The tale of Coyote as a hunter, originating from the New Mexico area.
The tale originates in 18th century literature and is doubted today.
Old wives' tales originate in the oral tradition of storytelling.
Filomena's tale may originate from the early 13th century Chronicle of Helinandus.
"Tell me how the tale originated."
This relation has, however, become a debunked myth, and this false tale possibly originated from that particular appearance on Cavett's show.
In the 20th century, scholars discovered the tales originated in medieval texts; by that they had undergone frequent adaptations and modifications.
It claimed that, as with Gilgamesh, no one really knew how Homer's seminal tale originated.