I consider that Death has been extremely unkind to take off his two talented brothers and leave us only him.
From the perspective of the art world of the time, Antoine-Laurent was the more talented brother.
They were inordinately proud of him, if slightly puzzled by their unusually talented brother.
Marc says he got a major push growing up because he had to defend his talented brothers.
Long stretches of the film are devoted to the cartoonist's talented, mentally disturbed elder brother, Charles, who committed suicide recently.
Nick Jones the violin guy and his talented brother play the Crowded house song weather with you to a street...
Joe Jackson sternly keeps his youngest son tethered to his less talented brothers.
Raised in a family with many musical influences, he started learning guitar at age 14, following after his talented older brother Rick del Castillo.
He could have been Chuck Berry's less talented brother.