For Mr. Herman's material, the innate elegance and casual confidence of such a talented lineup can be revelatory.
It may be one of the Knicks' most talented lineups ever, wrapped up and ready to go.
The New York Times called them "one of the most talented lineups in NBA history."
Rodriguez told the magazine that Jeter "never had to lead" on the mighty Yankees and is "never your concern" while scouting their talented lineup.
The Classic, the showpiece race, has brought together a talented lineup.
Canada, which needed to be at its best to be competitive against a typically talented Danish lineup, was flat instead and lost tamely 0-9.
But filmmaking, like baseball, is a team game, and sometimes even a talented lineup produces unexceptional results.
Repeated exposure to a talented and confident lineup has diluted Rivera's effectiveness.
But if the U.S. loses with this talented lineup, he will certainly be criticized.
We are excited to bring her on board to join our talented lineup of NBC News correspondents.