Still, the president's talk of a temporary guest worker visa for up to six years held some appeal for her.
The talk was a little on the short side, but even so did not hold the attention as well as it might have.
All Glenlake's talk of chilly weather did not hold, for the night was very mild.
This year's version featured Blitz talks, talks held between the conference's standard presentations.
But these talks can be compelling and hold the audience.
The ratings always gossiped, but how much of substance their talk held, Bran had no way of judging.
And this talk about different values and principles held criticism as well.
The talk between Joan and the King was long and earnest, and held in low voices.
For the moment, conciliatory talk held sway.
Such talk, however, holds little sway with organized labor and American-born computer programmers who have thrown obstacles in the program's way for the last decade.