People who barely knew one another before Sept. 11 suddenly had a lot in common, and talked warmly and openly.
Listen to men when they talk warmly of their fathers and you'll hear the same.
He talks warmly of the days when the team played at the Town Mead ground.
As a result they are still close, and she talks of them warmly.
Susan Melling called to tell her about the Times editorial; they talked warmly for a few minutes.
The show's last sketch, for instance, has the fresh-faced performers talking warmly about their friend Reg.
And in the same breath, he'll talk warmly about the two couples that married as a result of meeting at club functions.
Pauline called a couple of hours into their work, and Daniel talked to her warmly for a few minutes.
Dovepaw sees Tigerheart at the border and they talk warmly.
They spoke no Indonesian, even less than ourselves, but talked warmly and directly to us in their tribal language as we did to them in gentle English.