A variety of tall bearded iris (plant)
A white lily was not obtainable just then, but the effect of a tall blue iris placed in one of Anne's folded hands was all that could be desired.
"People are growing varieties that don't require as much care as the tall bearded iris," he added.
Among the tall bearded iris, hybridizers have achieved a range of varieties, including bicolors, plicatas (flowers with stippled, dotted or stitched margins), repeat bloomers and stems with average bud counts of seven or eight.
Other fascinating bulbs to try belong to the iris clan, particularly the tall and elegant Dutch iris with their two-tone flowers and spearlike foliage.
Blenheim Royal (Schreiner 1990), a tall, blue, bearded iris (genus)
In 1921 Alfred Burgess imported some hybrid cultivars of tall bearded iris, and in 1923 their propagation and sale became Jean's responsibility.
A. It is as good as certain that what you saw was a hybrid tall bearded iris of the sort that bloom twice a year, called "remontant" or "fall blooming" in the catalogues.
Iris: If the planting of tall bearded iris has been in the garden for about five years, now is the time to dig up the bed, replenish the soil and divide the rhizomes.
Quaker lady tall bearded iris (Iris 'Quaker Lady')