A tall red-haired actress came toward him to the carpet.
She is 5 ft 7 inches, being one of the tallest actresses and models in Pakistan.
But then Geena Davis is a really tall actress.
"If Medea is just psychopathic, we have nothing to learn," the tall, intense actress said in her dressing room.
In the meantime, though, the tall dark-haired actress is busily learning English in the hope of expanding her horizons.
She simply followed the noise to the crowded dressing room and made her way to the center, where the tall, dark actress stood.
Perhaps the filmmakers' biggest challenge was finding two tall actresses who had basketball skills and looked enough alike to play twins.
Bergman was a tall, natural-looking, and intelligent Swedish actress, fluent in English.
The actress who wins the role should be petite, as Taylor was just 5'2" tall and quite svelte.
I saw the tall actress, who had been next to Craig Sampson.