He wore a tall, pointed cap with a bell attached to the peak.
Ornamental plates on the tall black caps of the grenadiers winked like mirrors.
Shakos are the tall military caps still worn by many corps.
His tall, pointed cap, with golden stars and crescent moons upon it, came up to Groghat's chest.
He was not surprised to recognize the shorter woman, even if her shaggy brown hair had now been swept up under a tall cap.
The new Heinz contraption has a reservoir and a small tube built inside a tall cap.
After five months, both of them awake with donkey ears, which they conceal with tall caps.
It was a statue of someone wearing a green cape and a tall, pointed cap.
He pushed his tall white cap to a rakish angle.
"He has a tall cap on the back that looks like the Pope-mobile."