Off an unpeopled stretch marked by a tall fir, they dropped anchor and waited.
His hand came up and pointed out at the view below, rolling hills covered with tall firs, a wide river full of fish.
Bolan slung the M-16 a second time and climbed a tall fir.
The tall firs muffled the sound until it was roaring overhead.
The tall black firs about the gate came out against the starlit sky.
Is that a shadow behind the tall fir?
The trees were firs, still young but already tall, growing fast and dense in a green swathe that stretched to the south.
The creek here split into branches, and one followed a narrow cut through a grove of the tall firs.
The tall firs among them quivered with some kind of dark laughter.
That birch clump, next to the tall fir, it's not much bigger than I am.