Nofret wore the tall ceremonial headdress, rather than the soft, draped cloth with the cobra headband.
One was wearing armour of gold and a tall feathered headdress.
Hairstyles were equally elaborate, with tall headdresses the distinctive fashion of the 1770s.
On his head was a tall headdress of animal fur, similar to the one worn by the chieftain on the elephant road pass.
In his mind he heard Mary speaking, saw again the cotton robe, the dark coiled hair, the tall headdress, and he fought against her grasp.
He had on the headdress of a chief priest, the tall headdress of eagle plumes and antlers.
All were adorned with tall headdresses of parrot feathers.
The warrior had on a tall headdress of flowing quetzal feathers.
In human form he was a man with a tall plumed headdress.
Many of the warriors danced as they passed him, and their tall feathered headdresses swayed like graceful birds.