This creature gets its name for the four tall ridges that project from its back.
The thick, hard shell is tightly bound by tall ridges to a thick husk.
More shots peppered the area, most of them high and ricocheting off the taller ridges behind him.
Cassini also discovered a 20 km tall equatorial ridge, which spans nearly the moon's entire equator.
The lots, though, are tiny, a quarter acre or smaller, and with tall ridges behind them, are often cloaked in shadows.
Something thrashed beyond a tall ridge of white fungus, then suddenly reared up.
The purge-ball appears, following a tall reddish ridge of flesh, bearing down on her hiding place.
And, 'sides," she continued, "this is pretty much the tallest ridge in the area.
Away from the river we found ourselves climbing a tall ridge cut by many small streams.
Hradsky's new mills arrived and stood up along the ridge, tall and proud until their own dumps dwarfed them.