The vacant lot behind our house was then an acre of tall sunflowers, taller than either of us boys.
She led him into a section of tall sunflowers.
As she recently neared a pod of tall sunflowers, she leaned in close to a visitor to share a secret.
Then with even taller sunflowers.
On the other side of the walk, down in the ditch, there was a patch of tall, rank sunflowers, their shaggy leaves white with dust.
It had rained dur- ing the night, and the tall sunflowers behind her were fresh and shining.
At last the little girl came to a sunflower so tall that she had to stand on tiptoe to hear its words.
Outside the windows were fields of silver cabbages and tall sunflowers, their heads drooping.
These homey flowers seem right in the vegetable garden, and I put a bevy of tall sunflowers outside the fence.
On Franklin Street, he came upon a tall sunflower that was snapped in three places, its flower shorn.