Though a breeze whispered through the tall sycamore and pine it contained not a trace of winter's biting chill.
He served as a United States Senator from 1877 to 1897 and was known as "the tall sycamore of the Wabash".
Most stayed, under the shadowy evergreens, among the tall sycamores and beeches on the bluff above the water.
I looked at one of the trees on the street, a tall sycamore.
Perhaps a hundred meters away, a stand of tall sycamores shifted in the summer breeze like fidgety children.
A tall, fat, gray-green sycamore on a shady undercut bend grows naked with age.
The herons roost in the eastern end with its tall sycamores.
A wood pigeon was cooing softly in a grove of immensely tall sycamores near a narrow, meandering stream.
Across my quiet suburban street, a man in an orange helmet has roped himself to a healthy old sycamore, 100 feet tall.