In each stood a massive urn three feet tall carved from black brown porphyry: the product of a cogence.
Deep in one pit, thieves had unearthed a tall urn that once held a body curled in a fetal position.
And he leaned against a tall urn with an air of entire satisfaction.
Here stood a tall ceramic urn, one of many that lined the Brunswick property.
They range from tall, broad-shouldered urns to low, horizontal boat-like pieces with ritualistic overtones.
There were flowers, a deep blood red, in tall urns standing on either side of stone steps that led to double doors glittering with glass.
Just a few look gorgeous in a tall urn, and their faces are eerily expressive.
Japanese 19th-century bronzes included a man-size stork and a dark brown urn more than three feet tall.
Roarke walked directly to the automated security panel that was flanked by two tall urns filled with burnished gold fall flowers.
Back on the planet, Kirk and his party manage to gather enough strength to escape to a spacious garden and hide inside a tall urn.