In Malaysian folklore, a similar story involves a tame bear, kept by a Malay hunter as the guardian of his young daughter.
The tame bear, seeing her drop to the ground, ambled over to comfort her, but the soldiers intercepted it and speared it numerous times.
Maybe he should get a tame bear and be done with it.
Calandro, disillusioned with mankind and wanting to return to nature, spends his days in a forest with his tame bears.
A figure approached him in the darkness, padding along the deck like a tame bear.
I think that last trick of hers, when she gave a bucket of hard cider to that poor tame bear, should last her a spell.
The tame brown bear gobbled every morsel and sniffed out more.
A friend of his would persist in practising the flute near his tame black bear.
Prince Romodanovsky was an old man of harsh disposition, who kept tame bears in his palace to scare infrequent visitors.
Byron also kept a tame bear while he was a student at Trinity, out of resentment for rules forbidding pet dogs like his beloved Boatswain.