But the tangible gain would not be very large because the resistance is apparently taking a small (and diminishing) toll on the Israeli economy.
The Portuguese considered the cession as a tangible gain.
Palestinian officials say he can do little to act against violence without tangible gains from Israel, like an easing of checkpoints.
Stone's organizational activities for the cause of women's rights yielded tangible gains in the difficult political environment of the 19th century.
A forced variation that involves a sacrifice and usually results in a tangible gain is called a combination.
Working long hours within itself is meaningless if there is no tangible gain.
It is like the stock market, a market of second hand securities, money made with no tangible gain.
First, he must create a sense that his campaign has won tangible gains from the party.
As most people see it, the peace that King Hussein signed four years ago with Israel has brought no tangible gain.
But some community leaders worry that those plans may translate into little tangible gain.