But he didn't have to like it, and he understood the tangled emotions so poorly hidden behind Alexander's eyes.
This fall, as aspen leaves turn to gold across the Rockies, these tangled emotions are etched in especially high relief.
She drank deeply now, felt the lovely haze coat her tangled emotions.
Here, I think, a director happened upon the ideal piece to sum up and dramatize the tangled emotions of his three characters.
Their tangled emotions presage what many others may eventually go through.
He sang because the music gave him a release for his own confused, tangled emotions.
As the days passed, tangled emotions began to sort themselves out.
Expressing, in three or four minutes of words and music, the tangled emotions of the world after Sept. 11 is clearly no easy task.
Seb spent the next few days wrestling with very tangled emotions.
It gave him time to sort his tangled emotions and force himself to regain control.