A few warriors, the wildest and most barbaric of them all, wore shark's teeth woven in their tangled locks.
She lay on her stomach, her head turned away from him, the long tangled locks of her dark hair flowing around her.
Eyjan rose, took Niels by the shoulder, whispered into the tangled blond locks that hid his ears.
She touched her hand to the cloth and then put it on her neck, feeling for her tangled locks, but there was nothing there.
She rose, startled and raging, from her sleep, tangled locks of hair stuck to her face, fists clenched.
Fisher shook the coarse tangled locks of his head.
She took hold of one tangled lock, pulled it forward, and looked at it critically.
Spammy got up again, panting a little, brushing some tangled and sweaty locks from his forehead.
His head was bared and his tangled red locks tumbled about his face.
He ran a dainty hand through the tangled locks as he rose to greet Gregg.