And for a few minutes, the shapes were a tantalizing mystery that floated just beyond their grasp.
Presented with a tantalizing mystery from the past such as the artifact, I feel sure they would find a way.
Its location still remains a tantalizing mystery.
Although the county's fiscal woes are the overarching campaign issue, what effect the long-awaited budget will have on the election is a tantalizing mystery.
The more revealing aspect of her comments: her voice, which has remained a tantalizing mystery.
It was a tantalizing mystery, but the view from orbit was still clouded with unknowns.
But their language had remained a tantalizing mystery, just out of reach, and now there would be no time left for him to solve it.
To his children, for whom he was more absent than present, he remains a tantalizing mystery.
For some unknown reason he seemed to delight himself by creating a tantalizing mystery about his personal life.
Mr. Cortines has kept his own intentions a tantalizing mystery.