The conference, sponsored by Madeleine Albright on the left and Senator Sam Brownback on the right, underscored that we now have a tantalizing opportunity.
They had come, after all, to discuss a tantalizing opportunity - helping Saudi Arabia develop its vast energy reserves.
The song "What I've Done," a tantalizing opportunity for boasting about his life and career, turns out to be a wrenching self-criticism after an argument with a woman.
An alliance with them may seem to offer a tantalizing opportunity for membership-building and new influence.
Up by two sets to none, ahead by 5-3 on his serve, Russell had created a tantalizing opportunity.
The railroads envisioned a tantalizing new opportunity in hauling the wastes hundreds or even thousands of miles to incinerators, recycling plants and remote high-tech disposal sites dubbed megafills.
Suddenly, after an extended lull, a large school of skipjacks broke the surface, offering a tantalizing opportunity for Dr. Safina, the sport fisherman, raw and undisguised.
For over a decade, the dry cleaning business has looked like a tantalizing opportunity for environmentally minded entrepreneurs.
And the Rams' offense, which scored the most points in team history during the season, squandered three tantalizing opportunities set up by their return teams.
The huge storage capacity of the silvery platters also presents a tantalizing opportunity to develop a new format for music.