Earlier successes in new academic and social situations seem to give children a reservoir of self-esteem they can tap during stressful times.
But many have dollars saved and will tap them during the crisis to get along.
The promise tapped deep yearnings during the war years that the postwar world would be a better place.
The police used special investigation measures such as surveillance and phone tapping during the operation.
And Washington would retain the right to tap the oil during emergencies.
Jim Kirk tapped a mental foot during those seconds.
"She will try to tap you on your left shoulder during a moment when you are unaware and weak."
A former member of the presidential detail said the military tapped the bishop's phone during the months that he was preparing his report.
He had been able to tap into some of these during the last nightmare, but now he was wholly immersed in them.
It is usual to tap a pannel at least twice, sometimes three times, during the tree's life.