Funding came from Constitutional Amendment 8, which tapped previous funds for Civil War pensions into the specific reservoir project.
They also provide a tax-avoiding way to tap excess funds from pension plans.
In the 1980's, Japanese banks used to be considered among the world's strongest, able to tap funds worldwide at the lowest prices.
In other areas, like housing, it is notorious for failing to tap federal funds for which it is eligible, through sheer incompetence.
The politicians' ease in tapping public funds has been contrasted with the growing economic distress of many people.
"You have to tap other funds," she says quietly.
Paterno's success in tapping new funds from international capital markets freed the company from major financial worries for at least the next four years.
It has generally bought foreclosed houses and renewed them one at a time by tapping private investors, bank loans and public funds.
Although still in search of a sponsor, Scully has tapped private funds to get started.
If that budget were exhausted, PennDOT would tap funds normally reserved for spring maintenance.