MacDonald frowned, restlessly tapping the arm of her chair.
McHugh restlessly tapped his fingers on the tablecloth.
His face twitched and his foot tapped restlessly against the pavement as he struggled visibly to reach a decision.
One of his feet tapped restlessly.
His hands tapped restlessly on the thin wheel.
A hand holding a cigarette began to tap restlessly on the arm of his chair.
The chain of the water closet tapped restlessly against the damp white wall.
Neville's fingers tapped restlessly on the table.
The same brilliant, unfleshly right hand, one holding a homeopape, another a book, a third its fingers restlessly tapping.
"If it's an emerald, it might be worth something," admitted Threllvon-da, his gnarled fingers tapping restlessly on the table.