It was tall, and its ferocious spikes were daubed with a sticky, tar-like substance.
One Roadrunner cartoon involved the use of "liquid hole", a black tar-like substance that came in a bottle.
An away team beams down and discovers an animated pool of a tar-like substance, a malevolent life form that calls itself Armus.
This was a tar-like substance as used for caulking vessels.
Its digestive system produces meconium, a black, tar-like substance that will make up its first few bowel movements.
Tar Baby could secrete a tar-like substance through his skin that caused him to stick on to anything he came in contact with.
In the case of nerve gas, the chemicals will then be mixed with a tar-like substance and dumped into landfills.
He then takes his shirt off, and starts to cover himself with a black tar-like substance.
The gas lighting business was run by five entrepreneurs who manufactured the gas from asphalt, a tar-like substance, and later from oil.
Okapis have several methods of communicating their territory, including scent glands on each foot that produce a tar-like substance, as well as urine marking.