These 1.3 million people live under a total embargo, subject to daily shelling, sonic booms, military incursions, kidnapping, targeted assassinations, and they are still to blame.
There have been suicide bombings, targeted assassinations, mortar attacks, all of this continuing at a time when the United States seems absent in the peace-making process.
After their ouster, the insurgents resorted to issuing death threats and targeted assassinations in order to discourage reporting on their activities.
The Mossad has a long track record of meticulously planned covert operations and targeted assassinations outside Israel.
Over the past few years Israeli forces have used arrests, intelligence work, the security fence and, at times, targeted assassinations to defeat the second intifada.
The ousted insurgents subsequently resorted to issuing death threats and targeted assassinations in order to discourage reporting on their activities.
The Mayor, himself the target of cocaine-use accusations, contends that the homicides are "targeted assassinations" by rival drug gangs rather than random violence.
To defeat evil, we may have to traffic in evils: indefinite detention of suspects, coercive interrogations, targeted assassinations, even pre-emptive war.
Instead of doing covert, targeted assassinations in sovereign nations, we should be reaching out to our enemies to spark dialogue with the aim of creating peace for all.
Grenade and land-mine attacks against the military have become routine fare in the Tamil-majority areas under government control, as have targeted assassinations.