"We are alarmed by a series of violent attacks this year targeting journalists who report on official corruption."
Some playtests are open to anyone who cares to volunteer, while others specifically target professional gamers and journalists.
War photography has become more dangerous with the terrorist style of armed conflict as some terrorists target journalists and photographers.
Reporters Without Borders has accused the army of targeting journalists and enforcing censorship.
The kidnappers, who said they might target other American journalists in Pakistan, also miss a larger point.
Accusations of blasphemy in Kuwait usually target the Shia, academics, and journalists.
But they soon targeted journalists and intellectuals and began slaughtering whole villages.
Since the early 1990s, they have also targeted academics, journalists and local politicians who publicly disagreed with them.
Some journalist groups said the incidents gave the appearance that American forces had targeted journalists.
In 2009, she criticised the Ministry of Information for establishing trials that targeted journalists.