"If it is targeting people or places where it is forbidden to target them, then it is immoral," he said.
"People were sure they were targeting individual places and they made up the most elaborate scenarios" to explain how the bomb targets were selected.
The bomb attacks aimed at civilians usually target crowded places such as marketplaces and mosques in the Shi'ite cities and districts.
His graffiti often targeted precarious places like rooftops and subway trains, and he enjoyed the adventure of going to and painting in these spaces.
Past attacks have targeted public places frequented by Westerners, including luxury and other hotels, trains, train stations, markets, cinemas, mosques, and restaurants in large urban areas.
Recent attacks have targeted public places including those visited by foreigners.
And it makes sense they'd target places where there's loud music and lots of kids.
These people deliberately target places where people only go for a bit of entertainment.
Conventional thinking is that terrorists are likely to target places where large populations may be found such as large buildings, sporting events, or mass transit systems.
Although the mob claimed to be targeting places of ill-repute, it destroyed buildings indiscriminately.