I conclude this from your desire to target weapons on their ship.
Both targeted long-ranged weapons sent from Iran to Hezbollah.
Camouflage is not only visual; heat, sound, magnetism and even smell can be used to target weapons, and may be intentionally concealed.
They don't target weapons when they can hit engines.
This resolution does not specify that we are targeting weapons of mass destruction.
Tuvok, target their engines and weapons systems and fire at will.
But she didn't know enough about the peculiar Ku vessels to target only the engines and weapons systems.
Run simulations on such attack patterns and see how good we are at targeting their engines and weapons.
He targeted only weapons and engines, but the Orions aimed to kill.
This would target suspected weapons manufacturing sites, tank parking lots and army barracks, similar to our softening-up air campaign of a decade ago.