Preparing for free trade with the United States, the average tariff charged by Latin American nations to outsiders has dropped to 15 percent, from 56 percent in 1985.
Tariffs can also vary between seasons, with higher tariffs charged during the dry season.
Not only was the tariff offered by this group the lowest, but it was lower than the tariff charged by the municipal water company at the time.
The most-favored-nation listing sharply reduces tariffs and duties charged on products originating in China.
The tariff charged is 1 Euro Cent per 20 liter.
Besides lowering the tariff charged on many products imported from abroad, the bill was the first step toward enacting a federal income tax.
Because of this the Commission continues to regulate the revenue earned and tariffs charged by Bord Gáis Energy Supply.
This was a very important connection for Prussia because of the high tariffs charged by the Dutch Rhine ports.
The "average" tariffs now charged by the United States are at a historic low.
Tariffs by Aguateros fully recover costs and compare favorably with tariffs charged by the public sector.